Why Settle for Ordinary?
Marriage is a lifetime commitment. At the Cov, we want to make sure your relationship is blessed for life. If you’re married or engaged, come fellowship with us and learn how to apply Biblical principles to your union so you can have an extraordinary life with each other and Christ. To take your relationship to the next level, we offer our Dynamic Marriage and United Couples classes, which will help you discover how your marriage can thrive and be more fulfilling than you ever thought possible.

Kept Us Connected to One Another
“Taking the Dynamic Marriage class was a really helpful tool in keeping us connected to one another, and we are really grateful that we are able to use this as a tool on our marriage journey. The class gave us concrete steps to take and explained concepts in a very easy-to-understand way. We learned the importance of prayer. We learned the importance of communication. And we learned more about our wants and needs. We believe that all couples should take this class.”
– Dantia Nussur

The Lessons Were Marriage-Saving
“Dynamic Marriage was more than a class for us. The lessons learned were life-changing. At times, when reflecting on what we learned in the class, it has been marriage-saving. I believe the reason the majority of marriages fail in our country is because people believe marriage is fun and easy. Marriage is fun and great. But it is also hard. I feel blessed to be equipped with tools and skills that allow me to be an exceptional husband to my wife and a leader in our marriage—in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”
– Justin LeGrand-Logan
What To Expect
We organize outings for our couples on a frequent basis and we hold several Dynamic Marriage and United Couples courses throughout the year. When you participate as a couple, be prepared to challenge each other and be blessed beyond measure. The whole goal is to show unconditional love and develop healthy ways to to meet each other’s needs better than you ever have before. You’ll have the support of other couples during each encounter.
Sign Up
Want to get more involved with our couple’s ministry? Interested in taking the class? Fill out our contact form and a leader will be in touch about the next steps.