Real men need godly men to become men of God. That’s why we’ve built our men’s ministry as a place where we can bond and grow spiritually with each other so we can become the pillars our church needs. For our men ages 18 and older, join us every month for Man Cave where we have real conversations—sometimes about taboo issues—that all men will find relevant. We also invite you to join on fifth Sundays where we make a collective effort to show a presence.
What To Expect
When you connect with the Masterbuilders, know that your opinion will always be valued and that you’ll be supported in your walk with God. And we keep each other accountable. Our ministry is committed to reaching men where they’re at in life, so you can expect events and messages that are relevant to today’s issues, we practice unity, and we help each other be the men our families, communities and the body of Christ needs us to be. Whatever tools God gifted you with, let’s use them together to be leaders and witnesses in the church and surrounding community.
Join Us
Want to get more involved with the Masterbuilders? Join us! Fill out our contact form and a leader will be in touch about the next steps.