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Who We Are

One Church in Two Cities

Covenant Church is a Bible-based, Spirit-filled church in Berkeley. No matter where you come from or where you’re at in life, you’re welcome to join us. Our goal is to help you find just what you’ve been looking for from God so you can be spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally empowered.

Who We Are

One Church in Two Cities

Covenant Church is a Bible-based, Spirit-filled church in Berkeley. No matter where you come from or where you’re at in life, you’re welcome to join us. Our goal is to help you find just what you’ve been looking for from God so you can be spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally empowered.

“God is still working miracles, signs and wonders. Keep expecting Him to do great things in your life and watch what happens next.“

Bishop K.R. Woods
Lead Pastor

“God is still working miracles, signs and wonders. Keep expecting Him to do great things in your life and watch what happens next.“

Bishop K.R. Woods
Lead Pastor

Our Mission

Share The Love

Our mission is to share the message of Jesus Christ through evangelism at home and around the world. Whether it’s through community outreach events, missions trips or simply building relationships with those around us, we strive to share the love and hope of Christ in tangible ways. We believe that the message of the Gospel is life-changing and transformative, and we are passionate about helping people experience the joy and peace that come from knowing Jesus personally.

Everyone Is Empowered

Our mission is to be a multicultural, multigenerational church—empowering people spiritually, physically, socially and financially. We strive to create a space where everyone can feel valued, heard and empowered to pursue their God-given purpose. Whether it’s through dynamic worship services, engaging ministries or practical outreach programs, we are committed to helping people grow in all aspects of their lives. We believe that when we come together as a diverse community united in our love for Christ, we can make a real and lasting impact in our community.

Servant Leadership

Our mission is to be a community of servants leaders—connecting with people through community outreach, love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that true impact happens when we humbly serve others and build relationships with them, sharing the hope and love of Christ in practical ways. Whether it’s through volunteering at local nonprofits, supporting vulnerable populations or simply being a listening ear to those around us, we are committed to embodying the love of Christ in our words and actions. We believe that through our servant leadership, we can help transform our communities and make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.

Our Mission

Share The Love

Our mission is to share the message of Jesus Christ through evangelism at home and around the world. Whether it’s through community outreach events, missions trips or simply building relationships with those around us, we strive to share the love and hope of Christ in tangible ways. We believe that the message of the Gospel is life-changing and transformative, and we are passionate about helping people experience the joy and peace that come from knowing Jesus personally.

Everyone Is Empowered

Our mission is to be a multicultural, multigenerational church—empowering people spiritually, physically, socially and financially. We strive to create a space where everyone can feel valued, heard and empowered to pursue their God-given purpose. Whether it’s through dynamic worship services, engaging ministries or practical outreach programs, we are committed to helping people grow in all aspects of their lives. We believe that when we come together as a diverse community united in our love for Christ, we can make a real and lasting impact in our community.

Servant Leadership

Our mission is to be a community of servants leaders—connecting with people through community outreach, love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that true impact happens when we humbly serve others and build relationships with them, sharing the hope and love of Christ in practical ways. Whether it’s through volunteering at local nonprofits, supporting vulnerable populations or simply being a listening ear to those around us, we are committed to embodying the love of Christ in our words and actions. We believe that through our servant leadership, we can help transform our communities and make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.


We aim to provide every member and visitor with a rewarding experience every time we meet for worship. When you come to church on Sundays, you’ll be welcomed into a friendly environment that strips away all the traditions you were taught about religion and helps you build an authentic relationship with God.


We aim to provide every member and visitor with a rewarding experience every time we meet for worship. When you come to church on Sundays, you’ll be welcomed into a friendly environment that strips away all the traditions you were taught about religion and helps you build an authentic relationship with God.

What We Believe

What does the Bible say about God?

We believe in One God who is infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purposes, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe that He was revealed to us as Father in creation, Son in redemption and as the Holy Spirit in His comforting grace that never leaves those who trust in Him.

What does the Bible say about Jesus?

We believe that in Jesus Christ “dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, for it pleased the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell.”

What does the Bible say about Jesus’ birth?

We believe in the virgin birth, that Jesus was both human and divine—the very God manifested in human flesh.

What does the Bible say about Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection?

We believe in the literal death, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus. We believe that He ascended on high and has sent His Spirit, the same Holy Spirit which was poured out at Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago and is still filling the hearts of those who diligently seek Him today.

What does the Bible say about water baptism?

We believe in water baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This constitutes the “new birth.”

What does the Bible say about holy life?

We believe in a holy, sanctified life, as well as other scriptural essentials such as divine healing, the Lord’s Supper, footwashing, and the glorious catching away of the saints when Jesus returns in the clouds of glory to take his people to heaven.

What does the Bible say about the purpose of man?

We believe that man’s chief aim is to glorify our Savior, who is Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

What We Believe

What does the Bible say about God?

We believe in One God who is infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purposes, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe that He was revealed to us as Father in creation, Son in redemption and as the Holy Spirit in His comforting grace that never leaves those who trust in Him.

What does the Bible say about Jesus?

We believe that in Jesus Christ “dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, for it pleased the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell.”

What does the Bible say about Jesus’ birth?

We believe in the virgin birth, that Jesus was both human and divine—the very God manifested in human flesh.

What does the Bible say about Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection?

We believe in the literal death, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus. We believe that He ascended on high and has sent His Spirit, the same Holy Spirit which was poured out at Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago and is still filling the hearts of those who diligently seek Him today.

What does the Bible say about water baptism?

We believe in water baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This constitutes the “new birth.”

What does the Bible say about holy life?

We believe in a holy, sanctified life, as well as other scriptural essentials such as divine healing, the Lord’s Supper, footwashing, and the glorious catching away of the saints when Jesus returns in the clouds of glory to take his people to heaven.

What does the Bible say about the purpose of man?

We believe that man’s chief aim is to glorify our Savior, who is Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Our History

Bishop K.R. Woods founded Covenant Church in 1995 in Berkeley. Under the anointed leadership of our pastor, the church has continued to grow every year and we are considered one of the fastest growing churches in the East Bay.

Over the years, we’ve been blessed to establish ministries that extend beyond the walls of the church and reach all parts of the Bay Area. Some of the more notable ministries include the City Help Mobile Free Clinic, Covenant Word Television Broadcast, City Help feeding and homeless ministries and the Nursing Home Visitation Corps.

Under the anointing of God, Bishop Woods has always stressed that his mission is to heal the broken-hearted, preach deliverance to those who feel like they’ve been held captive by their past and show people how to achieve freedom in the Spirit. We are a member of the Northern California District Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.

Our History

Bishop K.R. Woods founded Covenant Church in 1995 in Berkeley. Under the anointed leadership of our pastor, the church has continued to grow every year and we are considered one of the fastest growing churches in the East Bay.

Over the years, we’ve been blessed to establish ministries that extend beyond the walls of the church and reach all parts of the Bay Area. Some of the more notable ministries include the City Help Mobile Free Clinic, Covenant Word Television Broadcast, City Help feeding and homeless ministries and the Nursing Home Visitation Corps.

Under the anointing of God, Bishop Woods has always stressed that his mission is to heal the broken-hearted, preach deliverance to those who feel like they’ve been held captive by their past and show people how to achieve freedom in the Spirit. We are a member of the Northern California District Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.

Covenant Leaders

Our pastoral staff serve as the leadership team that exists to use their gifts, energy and resources to make the church great for everyone.

Bishop K.R. Woods
Bishop K.R. Woods
Lead Pastor

Bishop K.R. Woods is “The Bishop on a Mission.” He was called to the ministry at an early age, and now he celebrates 40 years of service to the body of Christ. Bishop holds a bachelor of sociology from San Francisco State University and a bachelor of theology from Shiloh Bible College. Bishop Woods is the founder and lead pastor of Covenant Church of Berkeley, CA. In 2023, Bishop Woods was installed as the pastor of a second church campus, Covenant Church of Brentwood, CA. He has traveled extensively around the world as an author, missionary, evangelist and seminar speaker. He has held several offices in the local church, community organizations and as council chairman and director of international missions for the 16th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc.

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Carolyn Pope
Carolyn Pope
Associate Pastor

Carolyn Pope got saved at a very early age and has dedicated her life to serving God’s people. She is a licensed evangelist missionary. She has helped build several churches and previously hosted a radio broadcast ministry. Known for her caring and loving heart, Carolyn has transformed many lives at the Cov.

Alaba Crosby
Alaba Crosby
Ministry Director

Alaba Crosby has been a member of Covenant Church since 2001, and he answered the call to minister in 2010. With a professional background a rehabilitation exercise scientist, Alaba has a passion for health for all God’s people as well as the virtues of patience, thoughtfulness, attentiveness, concern and compassion. As the ministry director, he makes sure that all the church’s programs are prepared to win souls for the Kingdom.

Akon Walker
Akon Walker
Director of Ministers

As the director of ministers, Akon M. Walker provides guidance and support to the local clergy regarding their spiritual formation and calling discernment. Prior to this role, Akon has served as a state licensed minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, and she has served in various ministries at Covenant Church, including the Youth and Young Adult Choir, Christian Education Department, Adopt-A-Block, and the skilled nursing facility visitation ministry.

Covenant Leaders

Our pastoral staff serve as the leadership team that exists to use their gifts, energy and resources to make the church great for everyone.

Bishop K.R. Woods
Bishop K.R. Woods
Lead Pastor

Bishop K.R. Woods is “The Bishop on a Mission.” He was called to the ministry at an early age, and now he celebrates 40 years of service to the body of Christ. Bishop holds a bachelor of sociology from San Francisco State University and a bachelor of theology from Shiloh Bible College. Bishop Woods is the founder and lead pastor of Covenant Church of Berkeley, CA. In 2023, Bishop Woods was installed as the pastor of a second church campus, Covenant Church of Brentwood, CA. He has traveled extensively around the world as an author, missionary, evangelist and seminar speaker. He has held several offices in the local church, community organizations and as council chairman and director of international missions for the 16th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc.

Learn More
Carolyn Pope
Carolyn Pope
Associate Pastor

Carolyn Pope got saved at a very early age and has dedicated her life to serving God’s people. She is a licensed evangelist missionary. She has helped build several churches and previously hosted a radio broadcast ministry. Known for her caring and loving heart, Carolyn has transformed many lives at the Cov.

Alaba Crosby
Alaba Crosby
Ministry Director

Alaba Crosby has been a member of Covenant Church since 2001, and he answered the call to minister in 2010. With a professional background a rehabilitation exercise scientist, Alaba has a passion for health for all God’s people as well as the virtues of patience, thoughtfulness, attentiveness, concern and compassion. As the ministry director, he makes sure that all the church’s programs are prepared to win souls for the Kingdom.

Akon Walker
Akon Walker
Director of Ministers

As the director of ministers, Akon M. Walker provides guidance and support to the local clergy regarding their spiritual formation and calling discernment. Prior to this role, Akon has served as a state licensed minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, and she has served in various ministries at Covenant Church, including the Youth and Young Adult Choir, Christian Education Department, Adopt-A-Block, and the skilled nursing facility visitation ministry. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering in her local community, playing musical instruments and writing.

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